Corydalis triternata


Corydalis triternata


Üç kazgagası
Syn: C.solida ssp brachyloba
Tuber solid, ± spherical. Stems ascending-erect, often branched from the base, 7-18 em, with one large, yellow scale leaf. Leaves alternate, biternate, the segments ovate to oblong, divided into oblong laciniae. Inflorescence lax to dense. Bracts 4-8-lobed, the lobes .often toothed, not amplexicaul. Flowers pink or mauvish pink. Capsule oblong-lanceolate, elliptic lanceolate, or more or less linear. A complex species, divisible into a number of subspecies, three of which occur in Turkey:
1. Capsule linear, 15-22 x 1-2,5 mm; pedicels usually straight in fruit subsp. tauricola
1. Capsules relatively broader, 10-13 x 2,4-3 mm; pedicels usually deflexed in fruit
   2. Bracts deeply incised into usually toothed laciniae; flowers 17-21 mm; inflorescence usually dense; style geniculate near the apex subsp. solida
   2. Bracts ± simply incised, untoothed; flowers 20-27 mm; inflorescence usually lax; style straight or slightly curved subsp. brachyloba Lebanon. E. Medit. element . 
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