Fumaria officinalis


Fumaria officinalis


Ssp cilicica : Yersofrası; Ssp officinalis: Şahtere; Ssp wirtgenii: Kayıp şahtere
Robust herb. Inflorescence dense, 20-40-flowered. Bracts linear-lanceolate, shorter than the fruiting pedicels. Sepals lanceolate, c. 1/3  of the length of the corolla, 0,5-1 mm broad, irregularly toothed at the base. Corolla 7-8 mm, pink; spur 1,4-1,5 mm, curved. Fruit 2-2'5 mm long and broad, truncate, retuse, with 2 obvious apical pits, without a persistent apiculus. FI. 4-5. Cultivated ground, etc., s.I.-700 m.
Europe, Transcaucasia, Cyprus, N. Africa.