Papaver pilosum
Papaver pilosum
Ssp pilosum: Kellale; Ssp glabrisepalum: Köselale; Ssp strictum: Dağ gelinciği; Ssp spicatum: Hüthütü; Ssp sparsipilosum: Sulugöz
Perennial. Stems erect, branched, densely villose-hispid. Lower leaves narrowly obovate-oblong, upper leaves ovate, all velutinous, irregularly crenate. Petals rotund, orange-red to deep orange, c. 4 cm. Capsule glabrous, rounded at the base, ± oblong, 1-1.5 cm. Disc flat, with a slight umbo in the centre. Stigmas 6-7. Fl. 8. Rocky alpine places.
Endemic; very close to P. spicatum.
The recent treatment of sect. Pilose, recognized one species with five subspecies.