Leersia oryzoides

Leersia oryzoides


Rhizomatous perennial. Stems to 1.5 m, branched at base, decumbent and rooting at lowest nodes; nodes bearded. Ligule chartaceous, truncate, c. 1 mm. Leaf blades flat, broadly linear, to 30 x 1.5 cm, long-acuminate, scabrid on margin and veins; upper sheaths ± scabrid, inflated. Panicle lax, 5-17 cm, with slender flexuous branches, chasmogamous or sometimes cleistogamous and then ± included in leaf sheath. Spikelets 4-6 mm, very shortly pedicellate; glumes and sterile lemmas absent. Fertile lemmas boat-shaped, strigillose, pectinate-ciliate on keel. Palea ciliate on veins. Fl. 7-9. Marshes, s.l-c. 70 m.

Europe from S. England and S. Finland S. to Azores and Balkans; C. & S. Russia, Caucasia, C. & E. Asia eastwards to China. Euro-Sib. element.

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