Chaenorhinum cryptarum

Chaenorhinum cryptarum

Dağ balıkağzı

Low, slender, ascending or trailing annual, viscid-hirsute with short and long hairs to 1 mm. Leaves ovate to ovate-oblong, obtuse, thin, 10-20 mm, with 3-5 mm petiole. Raceme lax, 5-12 cm, ± secund . Bracts leaf-like, narrowly ovate to bluntly lanceolate, with 1-2 mm petiole. Pedicels 8-15 mm, recurved in fruit. Calyx lobes linear, to 4-5 mm in fruit. Corolla white with violet upper lip , c. 9-10 mm, subglabrous; spur 2-2,5 mm, straight. Capsule subspherical, 2-2,5 mm, ½  as long as calyx. Seeds 0,7 mm, broadly ellipsoid, ribs slender, slightly sinuate, not tuberculate . Fl. 8-9. Limestone caves.

Endemic. Ir.-Tur. element.

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