Globularia cordifolia


Globularia cordifolia


Cıbıl küreçiçeği
Mat-forming shrublet with branched woody stock producing short stiff epigeal stolons. Basal leaves in numerous rosettes, 15-20 x 4-7 mm, spathulate-elliptic, ob1anceo1ate or ± orbicular, apex rounded, abruptly narrowed into petiole. Scape 2.5-8 cm, leafless or with 1-2 minute scales. Capitulum terminal, 10-14 mm diam.; involucral bracts ovate-lanceolate, imbricate. Calyx divided to c. half-way, lobes stellate-spreading, densely hairy in throat. Corolla divided to c. half-way, lower lip divided to middle into 3 linear segments, upper lip divided ± to throat into 2 narrowly linear segments. Fl. 7. Limestone cliffs, c. 1700 m.
C. & S. Europe, Euro-Sib. element.
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