Kickxia lanigera
Kickxia lanigera
Tüylü fukaraotu
Densely glandular-villous or -pubescent annual. Stems stouter and more rigid than in K. spuria, with numerous spreading branches. Leaves orbicular to broadly ovate, entire or ± dentate in lower ½ , cordate at base, shortly acuminate or mucronate at apex; petioles 0,5-3 mm. Pedicels 3-10 mm in flower, shorter than to as long as subtending leaf. Calyx lobes lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, scarcely marginate, 2,5-3,5 mm in flower, neither accrescent nor concealing capsule. Corolla 8-9 mm, white or cream, with violet upper lip, lower lip often with violet spots; spur 5 mm, strongly curved. Capsule c. 2,5 mm. Seeds 0·75 mm, rugulose-alveolate. Fl. 7-9. Fallow fields and waste places, vineyards, s.l.-1200 m.
S.W. Europe, N.W. Africa, S.W. Asia. Medit. element ?