Plantago atrata

Plantago atrata


Perennial, 3-30 cm. Leaves in basal rosette, 40-210 x 2-7 mm, linear-lanceolate, entire or sparsely dentate, flat or slightly canaliculate, 3-5-veined, glabrous or pubescent-pilose. Scapes 4.5-14.5 cm, terete, erect or ascending, hairy. Spikes 1-2.5 cm, dense, globose or ovoid, rarely narrowly cylindrical. Bracts 4-4.5 x 5-6 mm, orbicular to suborbicular, long-ciliate with glabrous or sparsely hairy keel, keel and upper part often brown. Sepals 3 mm, subequal, thin, broadly ovate, upper part of posterior sepals long-ciliate. Corolla lobes white with brown centre, 2-2.5 mm, membranous. Capsule ovoid. Ovules 2. Fl. 6-8. Alpine stony slopes nr melting snow, steppe, banks, pastures, 2100-3500 m.
Mountains of Europe and S.W. Asia. 

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