Plantago lagopus
Plantago lagopus
Like P. lanceolata but 5-45 cm, sometimes annual; leaves 2-22 x 0.4-4.5 cm, pilose, 4-5-veined, petiolate, remotely dentate; scapes 6.5-40 cm, striate, adpressed-hairy; spikes cylindrical, ovoid or ovoid-globose; lower bracts 5 mm, upper 2.5-4.5 mm, lanceolate or ovate, keel conspicuous, narrow, green or brown, upper half pilose or long-hairy, so that whole spike appears densely villous or pilose; anterior sepals 2-2.5 mm, connate, long-hairy, posterior 2-3 mm, ovate, keel narrow, with long hairs; corolla lobes 2-2.5 mm, ovate, acuminate or acute, sparsely hairy on midrib beneath; anthers c. 2 mm, apical part trigonous, apiculate; capsule ellipsoid; seeds cymbiform, light brown, shining. Fl. 4-8. Roadsides, field margins, stony hills, rocky places, macchie, meadows, dry pastures, sandy beaches, s.l.-2000m.
S. Europe, Cyprus, W. Syria, Transcaucasia, Iran, N. Africa. Medit. element.