Veronica arvensis

Veronica arvensis

Ekin mavişi

 Erect annual, 2-25 cm, often strongly branched, stems with 3-6 pairs of leaves, pubescent to villous, usually eglandular, hairs often ± in two rows. Lower leaves shortly petiolate, upper sessile; lamina broadly ovate, 5-14 x 3-10 mm, pubescent , apex obtuse to rounded, base truncate, margin crenate-serrate. Inflorescence 15-40-flowered, axis and pedicels densely pubescent with short curved eglandular and 0,3-0,6 mm glandular hairs. Bracts 4-6 mm, linear-oblong, glandular-pubescent, coarsely serrate at base, lower often enlarged and coarsely serrate at base. Pedicels absent or to 2 mm. Calyx 3,5-5 mm, lobes linear-oblong, glandular-pubescent. Corolla blue, 2-3mm diam. Style 0,4-0,6 mm, shorter than or equalling sinus of capsule. Capsule obcordate, 2,5-3,5 x 3-4mm, flat, with acute sinus; keel glandular-ciliate, otherwise glabrous. Seeds c. 10-25, ovate, 0,9-1,3 x 0,6-0, mm, flat, slightly rugulose, yellowish. Fl. 3-6. Open forests, scrub, grassland, rocky slopes, fields, roadsides, coasts, .s.l.-1700 m.
Europe, Caucasia, C. Asia, N.W. Africa; introduced in America, Japan, Hawaii and Australasia. Euro-Sib. element. 
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