Veronica caespitosa

Veronica caespitosa


var caespitosa
Suffruticose stoloniferous perennial, 2-4 cm tall, branched, usually forming hemispherical cushions 3-7 cm diam. Stems strigose or glabrous, with densely crowded subcoriaceous leaves and 1 pseudoterminal racemes overtopping short shoot apex. Petioles very short , vaginate at base , lamina linear to oblanceolate , 6-13 x 1-3 mm, margin entire, very strongly revolute; upper surface with scattered, very small subsessile glands and distinctly retrorsely strigose with 0.7-1.3 mm rigid white hairs, usually near margin, sometimes ± glabrescent; lower surface glabrous. Raceme 2-5-flowered, rather densely covered with 0.6-1.2 mm ± rigid hairs; peduncle 4-10 mm. Bracts elliptic, spathulate or linear, 4.5-8 mm. Pedicels 0.5-2 mm. Calyx 3-5 mm, lobes 4. Corolla pale lilac, purplish-blue or sky blue, 8-14 mm diam., stamens often slightly exserted. Style 3-9 mm. Capsule broadly obcordate with rounded base, 3-5 x 4-6 mm, not exceeding calyx, moderately emarginate, sparsely pubescent. Seeds 1.6-2 x 1-1.5 mm, rugose. Fl. 5-8. Rocks, scree, bare soil, alpine cushion steppe, 2000-3100 m.
The variety is endemic; the species is represented in Lebanon by var. leiophylla.
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