Veronica kopgecidiensis

Veronica kopgecidiensis

Kop mavişi

Hemicryptophytic, herbaceous perennial with creeping stolons ending in rosettes, glabrous to ± densely glandular-pubescent. Basal leaves with 1-4 thin stolons arising from their axils: sheath of basal leaves very short or absent; petioles ± winged, c. 5-20 mm long; lamina oblong to elliptic. Cauline leaves evenly spaced along stem, oblong to elliptic, upper sessile, usually linear oblong to oblanceolate or spathulate, apex obtuse; margins indistinctly crenulate-serrulate. Flowering shoots ± erect, 30-50 cm, unbranched, ending in a single terminal raceme. Racemes 15-50-flowered; pedicels 4-10 mm in flower, 7-13 mm in fruit. Calyx 3-5 mm long, lobes subequal or 2 x as long as others 2. Corolla dark deep blue, 14-17 mm diam.; tube glandular puberulent. Style 6-10 mm. Capsule suborbicular or broadly ovoid, 4-6 x 4-5.5 mm, emarginate, glandular pubescent. Seeds 30-40. Fl. 6. Moist to wet meadows, 1300-2400 m.


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