Acantholimon armenum

Acantholimon armenum

Kurre dikeni

Rather densely pulvinate glaucous to glaucous-green shrublet. Leaves linear-lanceolate to linear-triquetrous, 20-40 x 1-3 mm, margins scabrid. Scape shorter than, equalling or slightly exceeding leaves. Spikes laxly distichous. Spikelets 6-12; rachis ± flexuous. Outer bract usually longer than inner bracts, sometimes bracts subequal or outer bract slightly shorter than inner bracts; outer bract triangular-lanceolate; inner bracts oblong-lanceolate, with broad hyaline margin, shortly cuspidate. Calyx tube pilose, limb white or brownish off-white , obscurely 5- or 10-lobed; veins bright purple, rarely concolorous with limb. Petals pink. Fl. 6-9. Stony slopes, 500-2740 m.
1. Leaves 2-3 mm broad; outer bract usually longer than inner bracts ..............................................................................................var. armenum
1. Leaves to 1.5 mm broad; outer bract usually equalling inner bracts ..............................................var. balansae

W. Syria, Soviet Armenia, N. Iraq. Ir.-Tur. element.