Aegilops kotschyi

Aegilops kotschyi

Asi buğday
Tufted 12-25 cm annual. Upper leaf blade lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, 1.5-4 mm broad, sparsely pilose or glabrous. Spike 0.5-4 cm , subcylindrical. Spikelets 2-6, all fertile, appearing ± superimposed, forming a regular ± tapering column; internodes of rachis 1-1.25 x glumes; fruiting spike shed as a unit. Vestigial spikelets 2-3. Glumes of lower spikelet broadly ovate-oblong, 4-6 x2-3.5 mm, truncate, veins parallel, equally spaced and scabrid. Awns usually 3 , linear-setaceous, 3-6 x glumes, suberect to divergent in fruit, less than 1 mm broad at base. Florets 3, the 2 lower lemmas slightly exserted from glumes, each bearing an awn half as long as those of glumes and with two small lateral teeth; third floret sterile, stipitate. Glumes of terminal spikelet slightly smaller than those of lateral spikelets. Fl. 5. Open coastal Pinus forest, littoral plain and low dunes, nr s.l.
N. Africa westwards to Tunisia; Cyprus, W.Syria, Transcaucasia, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait. Ir.-Tur. element.
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