Alopecurus geniculatus


Alopecurus geniculatus


Yassı tilkikuyruğu
Perennial. Stems 7-60 cm, geniculately ascending or decumbent, especially below, glabrous, smooth, usually 1-5-noded, rooting at lower nodes. Leaf sheaths whitish-green, glabrous, uppermost sometimes inflated; ligule 2-5 mm, obtuse; blades 1-8 cm x 1.5-5.5 mm, linear, acuminate, slightly rough on veins on upper surface, glabrous beneath. Panicle 1-6 cm x 3-6 mm, narrowly cylindrical. Spikelets 2.5-3.5 mm, oblong, green to purplish. Glumes narrowly oblong, obtuse, connate at base, ciliate on keel and with adpressed hairs on margins. Lemma as long as glumes or slightly shorter, oblong-ovate, truncate, margins connate at base, awned just above base; awn 3.5-5 mm, exceeding glumes by 1.5-3 mm. Palea absent. Anthers 1.4-1.7 mm, yellow to purplish. Wet places.
Mainly Europe, eastwards to Afghanistan. Introduced in N. America. 
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