Arrhenatherum elatius


Arrhenatherum elatius


subsp. elatius.
Laxly caespitose perennial. Stems 25-50 cm, rather stout, usually erect, smooth, sometimes hairy at nodes, shiny, 3-5-noded. Leaf sheaths glabrous; ligule 1-3 mm, obtuse; blades 4-9 cm x 2-4 mm, linear, acuminate, usually glabrous, sometimes pilose to ± scabrid, pale or dark green. Panicle 11-21 x 1-6 cm, lanceolate to oblong, purplish-green, shiny; branches 2-6 cm, nodding;pedicels 0.2-1.5 cm, aculeolate. Spikelets 8-8.5 mm, gaping. Rachilla segments 0.5-1 mm. Glumes acute; lower 4-6 mm, oblong-lanceolate, upper 6.8-9.5 mm, ovate-lanceolate. Lemmas 6.5-10 mm, oblong-lanceolate, bidentate at apex, glabrous to slightly pilose ; awn of upper lemma 2-5 mm, straight; awn of lower lemma 10-20 mm, geniculate, twisted in lower half, arising in lower 1/3 of lemma. Anthers 4-5 mm. Fl. 6-7. Open mountain slopes and meadows, s.l.-1700 m.
N. Africa, N., W., C. & S. Europe, C. & S. Russia, Caucasia, N. Iraq, W.Iran. Introduced in N. America. Euro-Sib. element. 
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