Arrhenatherum palaestinum


Arrhenatherum palaestinum


Kırk çayıryulafı
Caespitose perennial. Stems 17-55 cm, erect or slightly geniculate in lower part, smooth, glabrous. Leaf sheaths glabrous; ligule to 3 mm, obtuse, slightly hairy on dorsal surface; blades 5-22 cm x 1.4-4.5 mm, linear, acuminate, glabrous to pilose or scabrid. Panicle 7-16.5 x 2-6 cm, usually oblong, rather lax; branches 3-4 cm; pedicels 1-15 mm, aculeolate. Spikelets 11-14 mm, with 2 florets. Rachilla segments 1-2.5 mm. Glumes acute; lower 5.5-6.5 mm, upper 9-12 mm. Lower lemma 8-14 mm, oblong to lanceolate, bidentate at apex, glabrous; awn 20-28 mm, twisted in lower half, geniculate.  Upper lemma covered with hairs; awn 4.5-6 mm or absent. Anthers 3.5-5.5 mm. 2n =28. Fl.5-6. Limestone rocks, volcanic cliffs with scattered Quercus, dry grassland, 500-2000 m.
Mediterranean area, Jugoslavia, Bulgaria, Syrian Desert. E. Medit. element.
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