Coix lacryma-jobi
Coix lacryma-jobi
Coarse annual. Stems to 2 m, erect, smooth, glabrous. Ligule to 10 mm. Leaf blades to 30 x 5 cm, lower linear-acuminate, upper lanceolate, all cordate at base, with scabrid cartilaginous margins, upper surface rather rough, covered with minute 2-celled hairs. Male spikelets 6-8 mm; glumes obovate, beaked, with minutely scabrid margins; anthers reddish-brown. Involucres pale buff, white or bluish, ovoid to globose, with tapered apex , 8-11 x 6.5-8.5 mm, very hard, shining, becoming wrinkled and sometimes longitudinally ribbed; stigmas much exserted from orifice of involucre, feathery. Fl. 8. Cultivated.
Native to Tropical Asia and Africa; cultivated and naturalised in the Mediterranean area, Iraq, Palestine, Egypt, C. & S. America and the W. Indies.