Cortaderia selloana


Cortaderia selloana


Stems 2-4 m, erect, forming large tufts. Ligule 3 mm. Leaf blades to 2 m, arcuate, rough, glaucous. Panicles showy, oblong, 50-80 x 12-15 em. Spikelets silvery or sometimes pinkish; female 15-18 mm, 4-6-flowered, with sericeous lemmas; male 18-23 mm, 2-6-flowered, with glabrous or sparsely pilose lemmas. Glumes of both sexes lanceo1ate, long-acuminate; lemmas with long terminal awn, awn of male florets longer than that of female. Fl. 8-9. Cultivated in parks and gardens.
Native of S. America . The 'Pampas grass'is widely cultivated for ornament and is naturalised in W. Europe.
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