Eragrostis minor
Eragrostis minor
Bodur yulaf
Slender tufted annual. Stems erect or geniculate-ascending to 50 cm, green or ± glaucous, smooth. Leaf sheaths pilose or weakly pilose, very rarely glabrous, glandular, bearded in ligule region. Ligule hairy, 0.5-1.5 mm. Leafblades flat or drying inrolled, Iinear-lanceolate, to 15 cm x 4 mm, acuminate, glabrous or sparsely pilose especially on adaxial surface, margins with raised glands. Panicle 4-15 cm, rather lax, terminating stems and leafy branches; branches minutely scabridulous, glandular or not, lower ones solitary or paired. Pedicels shorter or longer than spikelets, glandular. Spikelets yellowish- or greyishgreen or greenish-purple, 4-12 mm, usually less than 2 mm broad, 5-12flowered. Glumes subequal, lanceolate to ovate, acute, lower 1.5 mm, upper 1.7 mm. Lemma lanceolate to ovate, 1.5-1.8 mm, acute, keel glandular, or more often without glands. Palea persistent, c. 1.5 mm, keels scabridulous-ciliolate. Stamens 3, anthers c. 0.3 mm, Caryopsis ellipsoid-oblong, c. 0.7-0.8 mm, finely striate, dark reddish-brown. Fl. 6-10. On serpentine, limestone cliffs with thermal pools, gravelly screes, valleys and dried up river beds, wet places, by lake shores, salt pans, under Populus, at edge of and in cultivated fields, ditches, roadsides, 10-2700 m,
N., W. & C. Europe, Mediterranean area, S.W., C.& E. Asia, tropical Africa, Introduced in Australia and America.