Hordeum geniculatum

Hordeum geniculatum

Yatık arpa

Annual. Stems to 30 cm, fasciculate. Leaves 1-3 mm broad, pilose on both surfaces or glabrous beneath. Spike 2-5 x 1-2.5 cm, oblong, with fragile rachis but not disarticulating readily. Central spikelet: glumes 1-2.5 cm, linear-subulate, lemma usually 5-7 mm, sessile, glabrous, with awn 6-18 mm. Lateral spikelets: glumes 0.9-2.2 cm, both linear-subulate or inner one slightly swollen at base; lemma ± rudimentary. 2n = 14,28. Fl. 5-7. Damp gullies on hills, mountain meadows, steppe, sea coasts, saltmarshes, roadsides, nr s.l.-1700 m.

W., C. & S. Europe, S. Russia, Caucasia, Crimea, S.W. & C. Asia, Egypt; introduced in N. America, Australia, New Zealand and tropical Africa. Euro-Sib. element.

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