Melica minuta

Melica minuta

 Yer inciotu

Ascending perennial; stems slender, smooth, 20-50 cm. Leaf sheaths usually glabrous; ligule 3-5 mm; blades linear, only 1-2 mm broad, glabrous or minutely puberulent above. Panicle lax, twice branched, 3-12 cm, usually spreading, with 7-30 spikelets. Spikelets 7-9 mm, shortly pedicellate, patent to nodding, in fruit falling as a unit with glumes attached. Glumes unequal, acute or shortly acuminate, membranous, lower 5-7 rnm , upper 6.5-8 mm , both ivory or with median part purplish. Fertile lemmas 2, ovate-o blong, prominently 9-11-veined ; lower lemma acute and slightly exceeding upper glume; upper lemma half as long as lower one, obtuse. Sterile lemmas forming a small pedicellate club-shaped mass. Caryopsis ovate-oblong, 2.5-3 rnm. Fl. 4-5. Macchie, phrygana, on limestone and schist at foot of cliffs, etc., s.l.-1900 m
Mediterranean area. Medit. element. 
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