Melica persica

Melica persica

Ssp canescens: İpek inciotu; Ssp inaequiglumis: Kireç inciotuSsp jacquemontii: Çayır inciotu; Ssp persica: Acem inciotu

Tufted, erect or ascending perennial. Stems 20-50 cm, often strict. Leaf sheaths glabrous, scabridulous or hairy; ligule 2-5 mm; blades 1-3 mm broad, ± flat or inrolled, glabrous or hairy, suberect, patent or deflexed. Inflorescence a spike-like panicle, continuous or interrupted, often ±secund. Spikelets 5-10 mm, Fertile florets 1-2. Spikelet 1.5-3 x lower glume; lower glume ovate, upper elliptic-lanceolate, both acute, straw-coloured or violaceous. Lemma of fertile floret ovate, dorsal veins 9, covered with long silky hairs. Sterile florets forming a hollowed clavate mass.

1-Leaf sheaths and blades glabrous, papillose, scabridulous or minutely puberulent; leaf blades erect or divaricate to deflexed

  2-Leaf blades minutely puberulent on upper surface, divaricate to deflexed; spikelets 1.5-2 x lower glurne, often violaceous; inflorescence usually of interrupted, shortly pedunculate clusters b. subsp. jacquemontii

  2-Leaf blades and sheaths glabrous or minutely scabridulous, suberect; spikelets 2-3 x lower glurne, usually stramineous; inflorescence ± continuous, with distinctly pedunculate clusters c. subsp inaequiglumis

1-Leaf sheaths and blades grey-pubescent with deflexed 0.2-0.5 mm hairs; leaf blades suberect to patent

  3-Spikelets 8-9 mm;leaf sheaths and blades densely deflexed-pubescent, blades erecto-patent to divaricate a. subsp. persica

  3-Spikelets 6-7 mm; leaf sheaths and blades shortly deflexed-velutinous; blade suberect d. subsp canescens

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