Secale montanum
Secale montanum
Dağ çavdarı
Robust tufted perennials. Stems erect, 60-100 cm, smooth, green, pilose or densely pilose below spike. Leaf sheaths glabrous, basal sheaths sometimes sparsely pilose. Leaf blades 2-5 mm broad, glabrous or white-pilose on adaxial surface, margins scabridulous. Spike erect, 5-8 x 0.6-0.7 cm. Rachis fragile, joints 3 mm, Spikelets 2-flowered. Glumes 10-11 mm, puberulent, keels minutely scabrid-ciliate, awns 3-4 mm. Lemma 14 mm, outer surface smooth or sparsely scabridulous, awns 15-25 rom. Palea c. 14 mm. Fl. 5-7. In massive stands on non-arable steppe, on limestone, volcanic slopes, serpentine, in Quercus cerris forest, as weed with Triticum turgidum on arable land, spilling over to roadsides, 800-3050 m.
S. Europe, Transcaucasia, W. Syria, N. Iraq, W. & C.lran, W. Pakistan, N. Africa