Polygala alpestris

Polygala alpestris

 Yayla sütotu

Perennial with a slender woody caudex. Stems numerous, ascending-erect, 5-15 cm. Lower leaves narrowly obovate or oblong, obtuse; upper leaves much larger than the lower leaves, lanceolate, acute. Racemes all terminal, dense, up to 30-flowered. Bracts shorter than the pedicels. Inner sepals narrowly elliptic, somewhat stipitate, with veins not anastomosing, or anastomosing only near the apices, blue, 4-5 mm. Corolla blue, shorter than the inner sepals. Capsules obcordate, shorter and broader than the inner sepals. Fl. 4-8. Meadows,pastures, slopes, etc., 200-2600 m.
W. & C. Europe, Balkans, Caucasia. Euro-Sib. element. 
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