Polygonum karacae


Polygonum karacae


Glabrous perennial, with a hard, stout, woody stock. Stem striate. Ochrea hyaline, white, distinctly veined, bifid, incompletely lacerate. Leaves 5-14 x 2-3 mm, narrowly elliptic to linear-elliptic, subacute to obtuse with prominent, parallel veins. Bracts without a lamina, reduced to ochreae, greenish with hyaline margin. Inflorescence a lax, elongate spike. Flowers in axillary, remote fascicles of 1-3. Perianth up to 3 mm long, lobes reddish-brown at centre, white along margins. Stamens 8. Anthers yellow. Styles 3. Nut trigonous, shining, chesnut-colour, exceeding perianth, Fl. 6-9. Open forests, serpentine roch.1650-1950 m.