Rumex cyprius


Rumex cyprius


Annual, glabrescent herbs. Stems 10-40 cm tall, ascending to erect, branching from base, rather thick below. Leaves 6.5-8.5 × 1.5-2.5 cm, petiolate, somewhat fleshy, ovate-triangular or oblong-deltoid, the upper lanceolate, cuneate-subhastate at base, acute-acuminate at apex, entire; ochreae membranous-hyaline. Inflorescences sparingly branched, elongate. Pedicels 1-3 mm in each axil, longer than perianth, filiform, jointed below middle, elongated and reflexed in fruit. Flowers 2-3 mm, 1-2 on each pedicel. Valves distinctly unequal, membranous but leathery at center, flat, 10-16 × 12-17 mm, suborbicular, deeply cordate at base, all denticulate-spinescent at margins or obsoletely so, netted-veined with a vein around margin. Achene 2-3 mm, trigonous, lanceolate-ovoid, acuminate, brownish-white, smooth. Fl. January–May, rocks, limestone hills and stony places near the sea, nr s.l.–30 m.
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