Dionysia bornmuelleri
Dionysia bornmuelleri
Laxly tufted, sparsely to densely pubescent, ± glandular, aromatic shrublet, 7-20 cm, with woolly farina present or scarcely so. Leaves 10-60 x 4-20 mm, ± obovate, narrowed below into a winged petiole, margin crenate or bicrenate. Scape 2-10 cm. Inflorescence of 2-4 whorls, each 3-5-flowered. Bracts 8-20 mm, foliaceous, ± elliptic, margins entire to crenate-dentate, much longer than pedicels. Calyx 5-8 mm, tubular-campanulate, deeply divided into oblong-lanceolate lobes. Corolla yellow, tube 15-20 mm, lobes 3-4 mm. Capsule 4-5 mm. Seeds numerous. Moist places on limestone cliffs, 1450-1500 m.
N. Iraq, W. Iran. Ir.-Tur. Element.