Dionysia zeynepiae

Dionysia zeynepiae

Zeynep ışıkçiçeği

Caespitose perennial forming dense cushions 2–10 × 7–20 cm. Branches very densely leafy; each branch ends in a tight, sessile terminal leaf whorl that surrounds a sole, sessile terminal flower. Scapes absent, and no distinct leaf glomerules . Marcescent leaves brown, falling off over time. Leaves sessile, 2–5 × 1–2 mm, oblong with deeply 3-lobed apex, lobes lanceolate; apex of outer wilting leaves 4–5 lobed; all leaves indistinctly veined. Indumentum of leaves, bracts, calyx and corolla densely glandular hairy, in all cases formed by three types of hairs: long stalked, short stalked, and sessile ones. Bract 1, 2–3 mm long, foliaceous, toothed or lobed with three lobes at the apex. Flowers solitary, sessile, yellow, and heterostylous. Calyx divided to base; sepals 2–3 mm long, oblanceolate, toothed at the apex with 2–3 teeth. There are two types of flowers on two different individual plants. First, individuals with long-styled flowers show style longer than stamens, overtopping up to 2 mm the corolla tube or equalling it in length; anthers epipetalous, attached halfway down the tube, so corolla tube expands at the middle and gives corolla tube champagne flute appearance . Second, individuals with short-styled flowers show the stigma placed in about the middle of the corolla, therefore standing below the anthers and not visible from outside; anthers attached near the mouth of the corolla tube, so the corolla tube expands near the top and looks like a narrow tube that slightly widens towards the top. Corolla length is 9–12 mm with tube 6–11 mm in the long-styled flowers , and 11–16 mm with tube 11–13 mm in the short-styled flowers . Corolla limb diameter 7–8 mm in all flowers, with lobes 2–3 mm long and apices trifid and bifid . Anthers 1 mm long, yellow, Ovary obovate. Capsule 5-valved, broadly ovate. Seeds 2–5 per capsule.

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