Primula elatior

Primula elatior

 Ssp amoena: Yaylatutyası; Ssp pallasii: Sarıtutya; Ssp pseudoelatior: Çayırtutyası

Perennial, 7,5-35 cm with sturdy rootstock bearing numerous thickish or stringy roots. Leaves 2,5-16,5 x 0,7-6,5 cm, lamina oblanceolate, elliptic or ovate, base cuneate or truncate, shorter or longer than winged petiole, glabrous to densely tomentose beneath, margin irregularly crenate-dentate. Scape usually with short glandular hairs above. Inflorescence 2-19-flowered, subsecund. Bracts ± linear to broadly triangular, usually shorter than pedicels. Pedicels 2-24 mm, unequal. Calyx 6-18 mm, cylindrical-campanulate, midribs often darker green, lobes 1,5-5 mm, ± acuminate, recurved or not, shortly glandular hairy. Corolla tube 9-19 mm, equalling or longer than calyx, lobes 4-12 mm, emarginate, pale yellow or lavender to purple. Capsule equalling or exceeding calyx in length.
1. Flower lavender to deep purple-violet; capsule often 2 x calyx ...............subsp. meyeri 
1. Flower yellow; capsule equalling to 1 ½  x calyx
   2. Leaf lamina glabrous to shortly pilose beneath, obovate to elliptic subsp. pallasii 
   2. Leaf lamina ± densely tomentose beneath, ovate or elliptic subsp. pseudoelatior 
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