Primula longipes
Primula longipes
Zarif çuha
Sturdy perennial, 11-37 cm, with thickish, fibrous roots, glabrous or shortly puberulent, farinose or not. Leaves 6-28 x 1-5,8 cm, narrowly-obovate to elliptic, thin-textured, margin ± crenate, gradually narrowed into a broad petiole usually slightly shorter than lamina. Inflorescence umbellate or 2-whorled, manyflowered. Bracts several, narrow-triangular, shorter than pedicels. Pedicels 15-40 mm, equal or not. Calyx 6-12 mm, campanulate, divided to ½ into oblong-triangular lobes. Corolla tube 6-12 mm, lobes 6-9 mm, ± broadly oblong, emarginate or not, lavender-blue to reddish-mauve. Capsule longer than calyx. Fl 7-8. Damp grassy slopes or ledges, moist crevices, often in running water, 1625-3400 m.
Endemic. Euxine element.