Primula megaseifolia

Primula megaseifolia

Perennial, 9-22 cm, hairy below, with sturdy rootstock bearing scale leaves. Leaf lamina 2,5-15 x 1,8-11,5 cm, ± coriaceous, broadly ovate to orbicular ± equalling petiole in length, base usually cordate, sparsely hairy on margin and veins beneath, margin with bluntly spinescent teeth. Inflorescence umbellate, , 2-7-flowered. Bracts usually shorter than pedicels ovate-acuminate.Pedicels 5-30 mm. Calyx 10-15 mm, cylindrical, divided ¼ - 1/3 into triangular lobes. Corolla tube c. 20 mm, lobes c. 12 mm, broadly obcordate, rose-pink. Capsule longer than calyx. Fl. 3-4. Damp ravines, shady banks and woods, 50-1100 m.
Georgia . Euxine element. 
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