Delphinium consolida

Delphinium consolida

Subsp. divaricata: Horozkuyruğu; Subsp. consolida: Çatal mahmuzotu; Subsp. paniculatum
Plant slender, divaricately branched, up to 40 cm., adpressed-pubescent or glabrescent. Racemes few-flowered, subcorymbose. Leaf laciniae linear, acute. Bracts entire, much shorter than pedicels. Bracteoles alternate, not reaching to the base of the flowers. Flowers 20-35 mm, violet-blue. Spur longer than the posterior sepal. Corolla 3-lobed, lateral lobes rounded. Follicle obovate-oblong, glabrous or rarely adpressed-pubescent, long-rostrate, suberect. Fl. 6-8.
1. Flowers 22-35 mm, with sepals 11-15 mm, usually light violet-blue, rather close to each other on the inflorescence; stem usually once or twice branched; follicle usually 2 x longer than broad, glabrous subsp. regalis
1. Flowers 20-26 mm, with sepals 9-11 mm, usually dark violet-blue, rather widely scattered on the inflorescence; stem repeatedly branched; follicle usually 3 x longer than broad, glabrous or hairy subsp. paniculata
2. Follicle glabrous var. paniculata
2. Follicle adpressed-pubescent var. divaricata