Delphinium flexuosum

Delphinium flexuosum

Eğri hezaren

var. flexuosum, var. buschianum

Many-stemmed perennial, 60-100 cm, ± glabrous except for long ciliation at base of petioles and often scattered deflexed hairs towards base of stem. Leaves palmatifid to 4/5 or 5/6, the segments deeply lobed and incised-dentate, the middle segment 7-20 mm broad at base, the teeth often incurved, blade drying yellowish green. Inflorescence oblong , c. 5 cm broad. Bracts and bracteoles linear, or the lower bracts often tripartite into linear segments. Flowers 30-35 mm, dark blue; sepals usually glabrous outside; petals blackish, the lower pair yellow-bearded; spur about as long as sepals, horizontal, attenuate, straight or incurved near apex. Follicles glabrescent or glandular-pubescent. Fl. 7? Rocky rauine at upper forest limit, 2050 m.

Caucasia. Euxine element.