Nigella segetalis
Nigella segetalis
Kara çörekotu
Plant widely branched, 10-25 cm, glabrescent. Leaf laciniae linear-setaceous. Flowers not involucrate. Sepals lavender-blue, ovate elliptic, gradually narrowed into a short claw. Petals with the lobes of the lower lip ovate-acuminate. Anthers violet. Follicles linear-oblong, united for at least ¾ of their length, tuberculate, 2-3 x longer than styles. Seeds triquetrous. Fl. 5-7. Banks, fields, up to 1600 m.
S. Russia, Transcaucasia, N., N.W. & W. Iran. The only other species in our area with violet anthers is N. fumariifolia.