Ranunculus brachylobus
Ranunculus brachylobus
Ssp brachylobus: Şellebung; Ssp incisilobatus: Turnaayağı
Glabrescent perennial, 3-30 cm. Rhizome oblique. Stems subscapose, 1-2-flowered, glabrous or adpressed pilose above. Radical leaves with blade glabrous, thickish, trilobed, tripartite or even trisect, segments broadly cuneate, crenately lobed or incised. Sepals adpressed, often reddish. Petals 6-12 mm. Torus pilose. Achenes obovate-orbicular, inflated or somewhat compressed, 2-2,5 mm; beak uncinate, 0,75-1,0 mm.
1. Leaves divided to ½ or ¾ into obtuse, crenate-dentate segments; achene apparently inflated, with an obtuse abaxial margin subsp. bracbylobus
1. Leaves more deeply tripartite or even trisect, the segments more deeply incised into coarse subobtuse teeth; achene apparently ± compressed, with a subcarinate abaxial margin subsp. incisilobatus