Ranunculus ophioglossifolius
Ranunculus ophioglossifolius
Çamur yağotu
Branched annual with erect, fistulose stem often rooting at the lower, submerged nodes, 5-40 cm. Lower leaves ovate to ovate-orbicular, rounded or subcordate at base, long-petioled; upper stem leaves narrowly elliptical, short-petioled. Flowers borne on slender peduncles at least as long as the subtending leaves. Sepals spreading, usually adpressed-pubescent. Petals 2,5-4 mm, longer than the sepals. Achenes elliptical-orbicular, subcompressed, 1-1,5 mm, granulate, narrowly keeled; beak minute. Fl. 3-6. Wet muddy places , s.l-1000 m.
Europe, S.W. Asia, N.W. Africa.