Alchemilla mollis


Alchemilla mollis


Su keltatı
Stems 25-80 cm, robust, rigid, ± erect, densely patent-hairy throughout . Leaves orbicular or orbicular-reniform, up to 13 x15,5 cm, with narrow or closed sinus, densely hairy on both surfaces, lobed to 1/7- 4/13 ; lobes 9-11,  arcuate or semi-orbicular, rounded but not truncate, without toothless incisions; teeth 6-10, unequal, the apical a little smaller than the lateral teeth. Cauline leaves large. Inflorescence large; glomeruli approximated; pedicels glabrous. Flowers 3.5-5 mm wide; hypanthia mostly patent-hairy; epicalyx lobes ovate or ovate-lanceolate, often with 1 denticle, mostly longer than ovate sepals, both acute and usually glabrous. Fl. 6-8. By streams in Abies Fagus forests, etc., 900-2100 m.
Romania, S. Russia, Caucasus, Georgia, Soviet Armenia, N. Iran.
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