Amygdalus communis

Amygdalus communis

Unarmed tree to 8 m; young shoots glabrous. Leaves ovate-lanceolate or elliptic, 20 5-9 x 2-3 cm, dentate-serrate, glandular, entirely glabrous or pubescent beneath when young, leathery; petioles 10-30 mm. Flowers white or pink, up to 4 cm diam., pedicels up to 5 mm. Drupe obliquely ellipsoid to elongate-ellipsoid, compressed, up to 50 x 30 mm, olive-green, velutinous; stone pitted and ± grooved, keeled. Fl. 3-4. ;Native and naturalized; dry slopes, calcareous gorges, in scrub and Quercus forest, 150-1800 m. Widely cultivated.
Native in S.,W. & C,. Asia; also cultivated throughout its native range and in Europe, especially in the south, for ornament and for its edible seed - the Almond ; extensively naturalized. 
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