Potentilla aurea

Potentilla aurea

 subsp. chrysocraspeda: Altın parmakotu

Caespitose, sparsely adpressed-pilose perennial with thick· caudices and ascending flowering stems, 3-9 cm. Leaves trifoliolate; leaflets obovate, somewhat truncate, 5-9 x 3-6 mm, 3-5-toothed at apex, terminal tooth smaller than laterals, sparsely adpressed-pilose on the veins and margins. Flowers in terminal cymes. Epicalyx segments lanceolate, obtuse, almost as long as ovate-Ianceolate,acute,  3-4 mm sepals. Petals yellow, obcordate, 5-7 mm. Achenes smooth; style subterminal, clavate at apex, longer than achene. Fl. 5-7. Alpine rocky slopes, 1500-2180 m.
Balkans, C. Europe . Subsp. aurea, with 5 leaflets, occurs in C. & S. Europe .