Potentilla reptans
Potentilla reptans
Procumbent stoloniferous, pubescent or glabrous perennial. Flowering stems 30-100 cm. Leaves digitate; leaflets 5, obovate to oblong-obovate, 5-35 mm, crenate-dentate or serrate, densely adpressed-pilose to glabrous. Flowers axillary, solitary, 5-merous. Epicalyx segments and sepals usually ovate-elliptic and accrescent, up to 13 mm. Petals yellow, broadly obovate, 7-11 mm, emarginate, usually longer than sepals. Achenes rugose; style subterminal. Fl. 5-8. By streams, edge of lakes and in damp shady places, s.l.-2300 m.
Europe, N. Africa, Ethiopia, Cyprus, Syria, Caucasus, N. Iraq, Iran, N.W. & C. Asia, and introduced in N. America.