Rubus caesius

Rubus caesius


Syn: R .fruticosus

Low, trailing shrub. Turions long and usually procumbent, terete, pruinose, usually glabrous, armed with slender, short, straight or falcate prickles. Leaves ternate ; leaflets subglabrous above, pubescent below, bidentate, the lateral ones subsessile, the terminal one petiolulate, ovate, often shortly lobed ; stipules lanceolate. Flowering shoots erect, 15-40 cm, pubescent or axillary, short, consisting of 2-6-flowered corymbs. Sepals ovate-cuspidate, pubescent-tomentose, glandular or eglandular, adpressed to the maturing fruit. Petals white, elliptic to suborbicular, 8-10 mm. Drupelets black, pruinose, large , few , loosely coherent. Fl. 5-8. Mainly by streams and rivers in sun or shade, 800-2000 m.

Most of Europe, Caucasia, N. Iraq, Afghanistan, eastwards to Altai.

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