Rubus idaeus


Rubus idaeus


Ssp idaeus: Ahududu
Shrub with suckering roots. Stems erect, 50-100 cm , simple or branched, bearing slender prickles or unarmed, often flowering in the second year. Lower leaves pinnate with 5 leaflets, upper leaves ternate; leaflets subglabrous above, white-tomentose below, 1-2-serrate, the lateral ones subsessile, the terminal one petiolulate, ovate-acuminate; stipules filiform. Inflorescences terminal and axillary, consisting offew-flowered, nodding racemes, sometimes the lower flowers solitary in the leafaxils. Sepals lanceolate,  acuminate-caudate; tomentose, reflexed in fruit. Petals white, narrow, small, erect. Stamens in a single row. Drupelets red, pubescent, numerous, cohering together and separating whole from the receptacle. Fl. 7. Forests , edge o/meadows, rocky slopes, 900-2200 m.
Circumboreal . Cultivated in N.W. Turkey .