Rubus saxatilis

Rubus saxatilis


Low stoloniferous herb. Vegetative shoots procumbent, bearing small straight prickles, rooting at the tips, dying back nearly to the base and giving rise to next year's flowering shoots. Flowering shoots annual, erect, 8-20 cm, pubescent and armed with small straight prickles. Leaves all ternate; leaflets ± doubly serrate-dentate, the lateral ones subsessile, the terminal one petiolulate, ovate or rhomboid-ovate; stipules obgvate-oblong. Inflorescence a compact, 3-6-flowered corymb. Sepals ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, pubescent, erect in fruit. Petals white, narrow. Drupelets red, 2-6, large . Fl. 6. Igneous screes, meadows, 1430-2130 m.

Temperate and Arctic Eurasia, incl. Caucasia.

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