Sorbus aucuparia


Sorbus aucuparia


Kuş üvezi
Tree 4-20 m, with ovate crown, ± ascending branches, greyish, smooth bark and pubescent juvenile twigs. Buds 9-18 mm,ovoid-conical, tomentose. Leaves 9-30 x4-18 cm, pinnate; leaflets 4-9-paired, 1,2-9 x 0,6-2,7 cm, in shape, serration, etc., resembling the previous species. Inflorescence 8-17 cm diam., dense, many-flowered, woolly-pubescent at first. Flowers 8-15 mm diam. Fruit subglobose, scarlet or yellow-orange, with a few, inconspicuous lenticels. Seeds lanceolate, slightly curved, acuminate, 2-4 mm. Fl. 5-6. Woods, Pinus forest, rocky igneous slopes, usually 1500-2500 m.
Throughout Europe, C. & E. Russia, Crimea, Caucasia, N.W. Africa, Lebanon. Euro-Sib. element.
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