Sorbus umbellata


Sorbus umbellata


Geyik elması
Shrub or small tree up to 5-7 m, with a spherical crown and dark reddish-brown twigs. Leaves 4-11 x 3,5-10 cm, obovate to orbicular, obtuse to shortly acute, base rounded or cuneate, dentate, green above, white-tomentose beneath. Petiole 5-20 mm. Inflorescence 5-11 cm diam., loose or compact, 14-42-flowered. Flowers 15-20 mm diam.; styles 2, tomentose near base. Fruit 9-16 mm, globose, scarlet, lenticels conspicuous or inconspicuous; seeds 6-7 mm, triangular, brown. 
1. Leaves light green above, densely white-tomentose below; teeth large, sub-obtuse, broad at base, 10-15 on each side; veins 6-7-paired
2. Leaves orbicular, broadly ovate or elliptic-obovate, base and apex usually rounded var. umbellata
2. Leaves obovate to subrhombic, acuminate, base cuneate var. taurica
1. Leaves dark green above, loosely and rather thinly tomentose below; teeth irregular, small, acute, 20-35 on each side; veins 7-9-paired
3. Leaf base rounded; fruit with conspicuous lenticels var. orbiculata
3. Leaf base ± cuneate; fruit with inconspicuous lenticels var. cretica
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