Asperula cymulosa

Asperula cymulosa

Amanos belumu

Perennial with branched, horizontal rhizome. Stems numerous, 10-25 cm ± ascending, distinctly quadrangular, simple or ± pseudodichotomously branched, entirely glabrous. Leaves 10-16 x 3-6 mm, broadly elliptic, more rarely partly oblanceolate to obovate, obtuse to subacute, attenuate at base into a short petiole , 1-nerved, ciliolate-scabridulous along vein and revolute margins, more densely towards apex. Cymes capitate, 10-20-flowered, single or ±dichasially arranged. Peduncles 5-12 mm, strongly ribbed; pedicels very short, as long as ovary to somewhat longer, ribbed. Involucral leaves and bracts 3-8 mm, lanceolate-oblong, obtuse. Corolla white to pink-tinged, 5-7 mm, with tube c. 3 x as long as spreading, broadly ovate lobes . Stamens somewhat shorter than corolla, with yellow, linear-oblong anthers 0.7-1 mm. Style finally strongly exserted. Mericarps to 1.2 mm, granulate, glabrous. Fl. 5-9. Deciduous forests and clearings, 100-1600 m. 
Endemic. E. Medit. element.
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