Asperula lilaciflora

Asperula lilaciflora

 Ssp lilaciflora: Mor belumotu; Ssp mutensis: Mut belumotu; Ssp phrygia: Sarmaş belum

Low, laxly caespitose semi-shrub. Stems 15-35 cm, ascending to ± erect, lower parts subterete, puberulent to hispidulous, upper more angular and ± glabrous, sometimes hairy up to inflorescence. Basal leaves 2-7 x 0.6-1 mm, oblong to oblanceolate; upper 10-20 x 0.3-0.75 mm, linear-subulate, with c. 1 mm hyaline awns and distinctly revolute margins, usually hispidulous, sometimes only scabrid, finally strongly spreading. Inflorescence simple or ± branched, composed of several many-flowered and clustered to few-flowered, remote verticillasters. Bracts 1.5-6 mm, lanceolate to broadly ovate, aristate, with flat and distinctly hyaline margins, often irregularly denticulate. Corolla pale pink to pink, 3-8 mm, infundibular to hypocrateriform, glabrous to hispid outside, with lanceolate, acuminate 1.5-3 mm lobes, equalling or to 3 x shorter than tube. Ovary papillose to hispid. Mericarps 2-3 mm.
1. Ovary hispid; plant ± densely tomentose; corolla 4-4.5 mm subsp. mutensis 
1. Ovary papillose only; plant less densely hairy; corolla 4-8 mm
  2. Corolla tube ± equalling the 2-3 mm lobes; flowering stems branched from lower 1/3; plant 15-20 cm, rather stiff and ± hairy subsp. lilaciflora 
  2. Corolla tube 2-3 x as long as the 1.5-2 mm lobes; flowering stems branched from above middle or ± simple; plant often taller, to 35 cm, more lax and flexuous, glabrescent at least above
    3. Corolla 5-8 mm; inflorescence ± branched subsp. phrygia 
    3. Corolla 4-5 mm; inflorescence almost unbranched
     4. Plant glaucescent-pruinose; leaves 0.6-0.75 mm broad subsp. runemarkii 
         4. Plant not pruinose; leaves 0.4-0.6 mm broad subsp. coa 
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