Crucianella gilanica

Crucianella gilanica

Subsp. carduchorum: Haçotu; Subsp. kotschyi: Eğin haçotu; Subsp. pontica: Köse haçotu; Subsp. transcaucasica: Kaf haçotu

Ascending to erect suffruticose perennial. Stems woody at base, 10-50 cm, quadrangular or semiterete, ±scabrous, hairy or glabrous, simple or branched, with scabrous elongate upper internodes. Leaves in whorls of 4-10, 15-25 x 1-2 mm, linear , ± leathery, bluish- to bright-green, usually papillose and rough, strongly revolute. Spikes terminal and lateral, distant; upper often sessile, lower ± pedunculate. Bracts distant to ± imbricate, 2-5 mm, broadly to narrowly ovate, carinate, acute, margins ± ciliolate. Flowers single, 5-merous; corolla purplish, brown, greenish or yellowish, 5-8 mm, much longer than bracts, with narrow; ± hairy to glabrous tube, lobes with long appendages. Mericarps 2.5-3 mm, granulate. Stony and shaiy slopes, often in Quercus scrub, 30-2500 m.

1. Corolla tube glabrous, smooth; leaves stiff, acicular, mostly in whorls of 6 ........................................................................................................subsp. pontica

1. Corolla tube mostly ± papillose or hairy outside; leaves softer, at least some in whorls of 8-10

2. Spikes up to 3-4 at each node, ± sessile or peduncles shorter than spikes, relatively dense; bracts 4-5 mm, middle ones overlapping to about half their length ...................subsp. kotschyi

2. Spikes 2 at each node, long-pedunculate with peduncles usually longer than spikes, relatively lax; bracts usually shorter, middle ones overlapping to less than half their length

3. Bracts c. 2-3 mm, lower sterile, inflorescence often with more than 6 spikes on ± curved and spreading peduncles ......................................................................subsp. transcaucasica

3. Bracts c. 3.5-4.5 mm, all fertile; inflorescence mostly with 5 or fewer spikes on ± erect peduncles ...............................................................................subsp. glauca = subsp. carduchorum

subsp. pontica-Trabzon
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subsp. pontica-Trabzon
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subsp. pontica-Trabzon
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subsp. pontica-Trabzon
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subsp. pontica-Trabzon
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subsp. pontica-Trabzon
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