Cruciata pedemontana

Cruciata pedemontana

Tüylü sarılıkotu

Slender, fragile winter annual. Stems 5-45 cm, erect to ascending or diffuse, simple or branched near base, subterete with 4 prominent angles or quadrangular, retrorsely scabrid-aculeolate along angles and hirsute, sometimes only below nodes, hairs c. 1-2 mm, spreading; internodes numerous, subequal, finally c. 2-5 cm, only lowermost somewhat abbreviated. Leaves 2-9 x 1-4 mm , all green, ovate to elliptic, obtuse or acutish, ± 1-veined, lateral obsolete, hairy above and hirsute ciliate mainly along basal 1/3 of margins and along vein beneath; margins slightly revolute. Cymes ebracteolate, 1-3- flowered, much shorter than subtending leaves; the latter scarcely accrescent in fruit. Flowers all hermaphrodite . Peduncles and pedicels hirsute, to 1.5-2 mm, recurved in fruit. Corolla pale to greenish-yellow, cup-shaped, c. 0.5-1 mm diam., dark brown, smooth, glabrous. Fl. 5- 7. Rocky slopes, grassy places, scrub, 100-1900 m.
S. Europe, Crimea, Caucasia, Morocco, Lebanon, Iran, Afghanistan, C. Asia. 
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